Greetings! We’re having a fine, healthy time of it here in room 510, and the mathematics learning continues unabated. We survived AZM2, and soon we’ll brave MAP testing. Then AP tests [...]
Hello again, and happy 2021. Are we still learning math over here? Oh my, yes. I’ll tell you all about it, but first, a request… We’re burning through dry erase markers at a [...]
Greetings! It’s cold and mathy in our outdoor class area. This week, we discovered that plugging three electric patio heaters into the same corner of the building trips a circuit breaker. [...]
Hello again! The weather’s nice and math is as fun as ever. I’m continuing in my quest to show kids the compelling aspects of it. Calculus II is neck deep in integral applications. [...]
Greetings! We’re still doing math, and still mostly (see below about alligators) happy, especially now that the weather is turning. Calculus II just emerged victorious from a unit on [...]
Hello, all. Life is good in math class! Calculus II just rediscovered u-substitution as a tool for finding antiderivatives, and today proved why integration by parts works! Calculus I is neck [...]
Hello, all. Life is good in math class! Calculus II just rediscovered u-substitution as a tool for finding antiderivatives, and today proved why integration by parts works! Calculus I is neck [...]
Hello, all. We’ve been busy as can be in room 510. Calculus II is reviewing and relearning various things about definite and indefinite integrals. They’re also wrestling with old AP [...]
Greetings! We’re just wrapping up our tenth day of home-based instruction, and I have to say that it’s going more smoothly than I predicted. I’m seeing good attendance, almost [...]
Almost done! This is the last week of instruction, and then it’s time for final exams and all the fun stuff that follows. Remember that I’m in this Google Meet… [...]